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Green Element

KASHO | DESIGN MASTER SERIES Hair Cutting Scissor KDM55S 日本火匠 設計大師系列理髮剪刀



Smooth, Satin Finish 🔘Straight, right-handed 🔘Ratchet screw 🔘5.5" Total Length 🔘Manufactured in Japan Design Master The KASHO Design Master series offers the most beautiful workhorse shears you’ve ever had the pleasure to use. Yes, they’re incredibly sharp, and thanks to their semi-convex/hollow-ground blades, they offer a durable edge that you can count on. Even better, these reliable shears come in both straight and offset handle styles, in both left- and right-handed models, as well as a range of the most-wanted blade lengths. Design Master series blades are made of premium Japanese VG-10W stainless steel, the most advanced version of this Japanese “super steel.” Choose Design Master for premium materials in a beautiful and well-balanced shear that won’t break the budget. Your scissors holster will thank you. How Design Master Helps Stylists Master Their Designs --Extended time between sharpenings—with blades made of premium Japanese VG-10W stainless steel, Design Master forged shears stay sharper for longer, so you can cut more and sharpen less --Razor-sharp cutting edge gives you ultimate control—Design Master’s semi-convex/hollow-ground blades offer an edge that is much sharper than standard shears, while still providing durability --Left/right? Straight/offset? Find the right shear, right here—Design Master’s straight handle works well for stylists who cut with the middle finger and thumb; the offset handle position reduces overextension of the thumb for an ergonomic grip; choose left- or right-handed models --Sleek, beautiful, simple looks—plus, the matte satin finish resists fingerprinting and corrosion --Adjust Design Master’s tension with a twist—KASHO’s ratchet-screw system makes it easy to adjust the tension of your shears when needed, no tools required, just feel the gentle ‘click’ of the ratchet to tighten or loosen the tension of your shears --Tang? Your choice—the Design Master tang is removeable when you don’t want it, easy to reinstall when you do 款式:偏柄 - 符合人體工學設計 螺絲:齒輪螺絲 長度:5.5吋 日本製 半凸切刃是經過鍛鑄而成的設計大師系列,被視為火匠系列中入門款式,搭載齒輪螺絲系統,允許可變的鬆緊度設定,並有直柄和符合人體工學的偏柄款式可供選用。 :: 以尖端技術開創未來 :: 追朔超過百年歷史以上、總部設在東京,以提供銳利、耐用且具高精密功能性的裁切工具而聞名的KAI貝印集團。 這特徵已讓KAI貝印集團的產品,成功躋身為全球同業中之翹楚。傳承百年日本鑄匠文化的武士刀鑄造精髓,持續在高品質與完美中堅持。 生產上市超過一萬種以上刀具相關商品,KAI貝印集團且居刀具製造之世界領導地位。 然而KAI貝印集團自詡為世界級製造廠,無論是以任何形式經營佈局全球市場,當竭盡全力同時也為世界做出貢獻。 :: 火匠-精湛工藝的象徵 :: 火匠,成就嘉勉專業髮型設計師的手工製剪刀”紫蘇”,被技術資深純熟的工匠,自豪的在剪刀上鐫刻火匠的標誌。任一把火匠剪刀都能呈現出無懈可擊的鋒芒與功能。今天,每一把火匠剪刀都是依據工程力學精心設計,採用先進材料混合熱處理技術,以嫻熟的手工藝水準,並傳承世代日本武士刀鑄匠精髓一貫化流程,儼然是刀具業界難以跨越的品質標準。 KASHO日文之意為徒手藉火的老鑄匠師傅,KA是火的意思,SHO是師傅的意思。 如同鋼鐵師公會所制約,超過700年以上的武士刀鑄匠精髓,我們的鑄匠師傅每天都在捍衛,以武士道精神的鑄造態度,謹奉為生存之道。 :: 火匠剪刀 :: 火匠剪刀是由兩個不同的不銹鋼合金組配,以符合日本高銳利度和材料的品質要求。不同硬度等級的組合代表著,每把剪刀皆是近乎平衡的完美,並且剪刀的切刃也是鋒利堅固耐用的保證。 獨家”極緻刀鋒”能確保火匠剪刀,在每一次工作中完成精準切削剪裁的快感。 獨家剪切刀片製造工藝,讓刀刃內凹切面(鏤空切面)和外凸切面,能確保剪裁時必要的精準度。 特別是剪刀邊刃的外凸切刃,更讓堅固耐用不會只是表徵。
